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I have been experiencing lots of exciting shifts within my business

and how I work with others.


Therefore my services page is getting a makeover.


In the meantime, I am offering flash intuitive readings by donation,

and intuitive brand coaching on a session-to-session basis.


Both of these services are a great way to connect with me, and get a taste of what working with me looks and feels like and receive clarity and valuable insight as well!


If you are interested in my logo and branding design packages,

or other graphic design work, please shoot me an email

instead to further discuss your project needs.


These flash readings are a great way to receive some quick and powerful insight from spirit.

I tap in and tune in to your energy field and receive intuitive messages.

Sometimes they come as a vision, sometimes I channel directly through writing!

Use the button to send your payment through (suggested donation is between $10-25)

and include your question or area you would like to look at in the message.

Once I receive the payment I will send the reading through email.


This is a 60-minute session where we can connect and dive deep together.

These are great if you are seeking help with your biz, brand or creative work. We will work together to re-evaluate where you're at, and to set your intentions for your goals and desires. We will get really clear on who you are, what you do and who you serve. We will identify what your purpose and message is. Using my intuitive guidance and branding expertise, I'll help you develop an actionable strategy for how you can put yourself out there in a way that feels aligned and true for you.

We can work on a session-to-session basis, so you can receive support as you need it.

From my experience, 3-5 sessions will set you up with a solid foundation, using a couple weeks in between sessions to implement what we've worked on together.


Sessions are 60 minutes long, and cost $147.

If you are interested in having a session with me, you can book it directly below!

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

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